Friday, May 30, 2008

100% Little Boy

Tyler is absolutely fascinated by the caterpillar's. We have them all over the yard.

Tyler started by trying to hit the "baby" caterpillar on the tree above Mommy and Daddy.

Well, I guess he figured if I wasn't going to let him hit the "baby," he'd go find another one and squeeze him.

All this time, I'm trying to get him to say cheese and smile for the camera, but instead he tells me the caterpillar says "cheese."

When I do get him to look at the camera and say cheese, he puts his whole face in.

"Cheese Mommy!"

"Look, Mommy & Daddy"

Friday, May 23, 2008

Our Home!

Well, for starters we purchased a new home on January 31, 2008. As most of you know, Greg likes to modify things a little bit, well, a BIG bit. We made it until March 29, 2008 before the work began...

Our house was overgrown with trees, shrubs, vines and a dreaded good 10 inches of leaves. I can't imagine what this house would have looked like in bloom.

So the work began, on March 29, I left to go somewhere, I can't exactly remember where but this is what I came home to...

I'm not sure exactly what I was expecting but not that big of a mess. My oh my, we were the talk of the neighborhood. Needless to say, the neighbors to the right hated us for a little while. They've sort of warmed up but are still a little leary of what Greg may still have up his sleeve...I'm still wondering too!

As the evening progressed, it started to look a little bit cleaner. The house looked like this at the end of the day. Mind you, where all the trees once were was a sloppy muddy mess. I think in the end Greg ended up taking out 25 trees.

As you can notice in the picture above, there is a ditch by the street. Greg had pipe layed to fill in the ditch and all the down spouts run into the ground.

By April 18, the house was looking like this. I still was not seeing an end in the near future but new the house was ten fold what is used to be. We still are not much liked by the neighbors at this point.

Finally, for me an end in sight, April 24, Motz Farms comes to lay sod. It's an amazing process. They layed 10,000 sq ft. in an hour and a half. It was impressive.

I have an instant lawn! What girl wouldn't be happy?

This is after the sod was completely layed...

May 10th brings some beautiful landscaping and a transformation to a once ugly and overgrown home. The landscaping to the right is not yet complete. We are working on completing that landscaping.


I've created this website so friends and family that don't get to see my family as much as they would like can keep up through pictures on what is going on in our lives. I hope everyone enjoys the page and I will keep up with it as much as I can!

The Kroell's