Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Such a Sweet Little Baby

So I got my old computer to finally start working and I found all my pictures of Tyler when he was a baby. I made a calendar for our families for Christmas of 2006. This picture was for the month of January. Tyler was always smiling with his mouth wide open!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Collect All Your Box Tops

Tyler's school is starting a contest between the classes to collect as many Box Tops for Education as possible. The winning class will receive a party. So, I'm asking everyone I know to collect Box Tops between now and March so I can turn them in for him so his class will win a party. If you can help out, please let me know.

Use the link below to find a complete list of all the products that have Box Tops labels. You will definately be surprised how many items are listed.


Friday, December 12, 2008

100 Things You May Not Know About ME

So, I got this idea from a friends blog and I really liked it! Thanks Heather!

1. I don't mind doing laundry, I just hate to fold it.

2. I iron everything my kids and I wear.

3. I despise the cold.

4. I want to live where it's warm all the time.

5. I love learning new things.

6. I believe knowledge is power.

7. I used to want to be a private investigator.

8. I love HGTV.

9. I want to flip a house.

10. I love to sleep.

11. I love to be cozy warm.

12. I love photography.

13. I've always wanted a dark room.

14. I love to cook but I am no good at it.

15. I wish I had half the cooking ability of my grandmother.

16. I love anything sweet, especially dark chocolate.

17. I in love with Coke.

18. I love to snuggle.

19. I would help anyone I could.

20. I have a soft spot in my heart for old people.

21. Rare medical conditions interest me.

22. I'm most interested in Progeria. I don't know why, probably my soft spot for old people.

23. I love a clean house.

24. I can't stand dishes in the sink.

25. I'm not a germ-a-phob.

26. I love to hear the birds sing.

27. I love the fresh breeze in my house.

28. I love beer.

29. I love wine more!

30. I love the outdoors.

31. I love boating.

32. I love the wind in my hair.

33. I believe friends are important.

34. I have a hard time expressing my feelings.

35. I'd rather be hurt than hurt someone else.

36. My children are my world!

37. I love to hear my chidren laugh.

38. I love a sleeping baby.

39. I wish I could speak another language.

40. I love to travel.

41. I miss traveling.

42. I want to go to Australia and France.

43. I always hated work.

44. I now love work.

45. I never dreamed I'd say that.

46. Nursing is my calling.

47. I'm emotional.

48. I believe there is nothing wrong with crying.

49. I hate coffee but it's become my new bestfriend, with a ton of sugar and milk.

50. I always wanted 3 kids.

51. I'm very happy with 2.

52. I love sweaters.

53. I hate coats.

54. I think it's better to give than receive.

55. I would rather give my things to those who need them than sell them.

56. I love it when my children learn something new.

57. Family is very important to me.

58. I pray for every dead animal I see.

59. I have some OCD traits.

60. I'm a procrastinator.

61. I work best under pressure.

62. I wanted to major in math.

63. I'm analytical.

64. I'm hands-on.

65. I want my children to be independent.

66. I'm not into schedules.

67. I like to go with the flow.

68. I like my children to be able to go with the flow.

69. This list is a lot harder than I thought it would be.

70. I'm a multi-tasker.

71. I love my home.

72. I wish I knew how to decorate.

73. I dream big.

74. I believe communication is essential to any lasting relationship.

75. I believe teaching manners is important.

76. My oldests first word was "Thank You."

77. I always hated colored socks. Not anymore.

78. I think belts have to match shoes.

79. I don't like white socks and black shoes.

80. I'm not a morning person, but I like mornings.

81. Don't talk to me first thing in the morning.

82. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology from Ohio State.

83. I'm a Buckeye.

84. I've taken college courses at 4 different colleges.

85. I will have degrees from two of them.

86. I will have my Associate in Nursing in March.

87. I've been working on this for days.

88. I'm glad finals are over.

89. I can't wait to overhaul our house.

90. I like a good deal.

91. I never pay full price for anything.

92. I love my Suburban.

93. I will probably never drive a car again.

94. I can't stand things that don't match.

95. I like to browse the internet.

96. I like to watch tv when I have time.

97. I'm not a fan of wood trim.

98. I'd love to change our wood trim to white.

99. I'm exausted.

100. This has taken way too long! :-)