Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Such a Sweet Little Baby

So I got my old computer to finally start working and I found all my pictures of Tyler when he was a baby. I made a calendar for our families for Christmas of 2006. This picture was for the month of January. Tyler was always smiling with his mouth wide open!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Collect All Your Box Tops

Tyler's school is starting a contest between the classes to collect as many Box Tops for Education as possible. The winning class will receive a party. So, I'm asking everyone I know to collect Box Tops between now and March so I can turn them in for him so his class will win a party. If you can help out, please let me know.

Use the link below to find a complete list of all the products that have Box Tops labels. You will definately be surprised how many items are listed.


Friday, December 12, 2008

100 Things You May Not Know About ME

So, I got this idea from a friends blog and I really liked it! Thanks Heather!

1. I don't mind doing laundry, I just hate to fold it.

2. I iron everything my kids and I wear.

3. I despise the cold.

4. I want to live where it's warm all the time.

5. I love learning new things.

6. I believe knowledge is power.

7. I used to want to be a private investigator.

8. I love HGTV.

9. I want to flip a house.

10. I love to sleep.

11. I love to be cozy warm.

12. I love photography.

13. I've always wanted a dark room.

14. I love to cook but I am no good at it.

15. I wish I had half the cooking ability of my grandmother.

16. I love anything sweet, especially dark chocolate.

17. I in love with Coke.

18. I love to snuggle.

19. I would help anyone I could.

20. I have a soft spot in my heart for old people.

21. Rare medical conditions interest me.

22. I'm most interested in Progeria. I don't know why, probably my soft spot for old people.

23. I love a clean house.

24. I can't stand dishes in the sink.

25. I'm not a germ-a-phob.

26. I love to hear the birds sing.

27. I love the fresh breeze in my house.

28. I love beer.

29. I love wine more!

30. I love the outdoors.

31. I love boating.

32. I love the wind in my hair.

33. I believe friends are important.

34. I have a hard time expressing my feelings.

35. I'd rather be hurt than hurt someone else.

36. My children are my world!

37. I love to hear my chidren laugh.

38. I love a sleeping baby.

39. I wish I could speak another language.

40. I love to travel.

41. I miss traveling.

42. I want to go to Australia and France.

43. I always hated work.

44. I now love work.

45. I never dreamed I'd say that.

46. Nursing is my calling.

47. I'm emotional.

48. I believe there is nothing wrong with crying.

49. I hate coffee but it's become my new bestfriend, with a ton of sugar and milk.

50. I always wanted 3 kids.

51. I'm very happy with 2.

52. I love sweaters.

53. I hate coats.

54. I think it's better to give than receive.

55. I would rather give my things to those who need them than sell them.

56. I love it when my children learn something new.

57. Family is very important to me.

58. I pray for every dead animal I see.

59. I have some OCD traits.

60. I'm a procrastinator.

61. I work best under pressure.

62. I wanted to major in math.

63. I'm analytical.

64. I'm hands-on.

65. I want my children to be independent.

66. I'm not into schedules.

67. I like to go with the flow.

68. I like my children to be able to go with the flow.

69. This list is a lot harder than I thought it would be.

70. I'm a multi-tasker.

71. I love my home.

72. I wish I knew how to decorate.

73. I dream big.

74. I believe communication is essential to any lasting relationship.

75. I believe teaching manners is important.

76. My oldests first word was "Thank You."

77. I always hated colored socks. Not anymore.

78. I think belts have to match shoes.

79. I don't like white socks and black shoes.

80. I'm not a morning person, but I like mornings.

81. Don't talk to me first thing in the morning.

82. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology from Ohio State.

83. I'm a Buckeye.

84. I've taken college courses at 4 different colleges.

85. I will have degrees from two of them.

86. I will have my Associate in Nursing in March.

87. I've been working on this for days.

88. I'm glad finals are over.

89. I can't wait to overhaul our house.

90. I like a good deal.

91. I never pay full price for anything.

92. I love my Suburban.

93. I will probably never drive a car again.

94. I can't stand things that don't match.

95. I like to browse the internet.

96. I like to watch tv when I have time.

97. I'm not a fan of wood trim.

98. I'd love to change our wood trim to white.

99. I'm exausted.

100. This has taken way too long! :-)

Friday, November 21, 2008

Class Picture

So, yesterday when I dropped Tyler off at school the teacher gave me his school pictures. Along with the school pictures you get a 5x7 of the class. I pull the picture out scanning for Tyler and low and behold what do I find....

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Saturday, November 1, 2008

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Stick Princess

Jumping Fool

Tyler's days of cast wearing because of jumping are long forgotten. He's been working hard on perfecting his jump and I must admit, he's getting pretty good!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

50th Anniversary

On Sunday, we went to my grandparents surprise 50th wedding anniversary party. Their anniversary is November 28 but to keep it a surprise my father and aunt had it early. We had a great time and they were definately surprised. As soon as they came in, Tyler and Natalie went right over to see them!

Caramel Apples

The end result of melting 50 caramels in a crockpot and cutting apple slices is, a little boy who only wants to eat apples and a little girl who only wants to dip her fingers in the caramel and lick it off!

So much for the phrase "Caramel Apples!"

Let's rephrase, "Tyler Apples" and "Caramel Natalie"

Friday, October 24, 2008

Mommy Let...

1. Us eat Jello vanilla pudding for breakfast!

2. Us play outside in the rain!

3. Me walk around in her shoes!

Thursday, October 23, 2008


So we had "family weekend" in Neville last weekend. It was a little cold but the kids really enjoyed themselves during the day.

Saturdays, Greg and I took the kids to The Feed Mill for breakfast in Felicity. Wow, we were definately outsiders. It's always a little awkward to go to eat in a small town where everyone knows everyone; you get tons of looks. None the less, we had a good breakfast even after Greg got all his Mountain Dew spilled all over him!

After we got back to camp, Greg decided he was going to keep the fire going for the day so we had a good one for the evening. Tyler jumped right in to help him put logs on the fire.

Tyler got quickly distracted from that and on to a barrel that was rusted out and filled with concrete. I had to go over and see what was so interesting. Surprisingly, it was daddy long leg spiders.

I had to go over and see what was so interesting. Surprisingly, it was daddy long leg spiders. Natalie spent the whole time running back and forth through the dip in the ground.
And lastly, the day would not be fulfilled without a ride on the golf cart and Tyler giving Natalie a "pat" on her head!

I love you Natalie!

Monday, October 20, 2008

He Does Hear What I Say

So I was standing in the bathroom getting ready this morning and I hear Natalie fall on the hardwood floor and start crying. This is not out of the norm for our household where Tyler is constantly after Natalie and her things. So I walk out and peak around the corner and see Tyler handing Natalie the toothbrush he stole out of her hand, he then says to her, "Here you go Natalie, I'm sorry." I was in awe, I could not believe what I had just heard.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Our Little Boy Is Growing Up

Tyler officially started preschool on September 4th. He goes two afternoons a week and absolutely loves it! Here is a picture from his first day of school!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Some Time has Passed

It's been a long time since I've posted but with good reason. It's been a rough spring and summer but we've made it through and here we are; in love and good health.

I've just finished my 6th quarter of nursing school and quickly on to the 7th, with only one more to follow.

Natalie turned 1 on August 12th and is a walking fool.

Tyler has started preschool and is getting ready to turn 3.

Greg, well, he's Greg on from one adventure to another.

Please enjoy our family blog and say a prayer for our friends and family!

The Kroell's


Rudy Crandall, Friend
May 30, 2008

Jerry Colley, Friend
May 30, 2008

Robin Bloyd, Step-Brother and Sister's Mother
June 27, 2008

George Shorten, Step-Grandfather
June 28, 2008

Marian Mettman, Grandmother
August 24, 2008

Life is but a stopping place,
A pause in what's to be,
A resting place along the road,
to sweet eternity.
We all have different journeys,
Different paths along the way,
We all were meant to learn some things,
but never meant to stay...
Our destination is a place,
Far greater than we know.
For some the journey's quicker,
For some the journey's slow.
And when the journey finally ends,
We'll claim a great reward,
And find an everlasting peace,
Together with the Lord.
Author Unknown

Saturday, June 7, 2008

I Love The Water!

Natalie was absolutely in heaven floating around the kiddie pool in her raft.

This is Natalie's, I'm a beach babe pose!

She is so sweet! She melts your heart!

Friday, May 30, 2008

100% Little Boy

Tyler is absolutely fascinated by the caterpillar's. We have them all over the yard.

Tyler started by trying to hit the "baby" caterpillar on the tree above Mommy and Daddy.

Well, I guess he figured if I wasn't going to let him hit the "baby," he'd go find another one and squeeze him.

All this time, I'm trying to get him to say cheese and smile for the camera, but instead he tells me the caterpillar says "cheese."

When I do get him to look at the camera and say cheese, he puts his whole face in.

"Cheese Mommy!"

"Look, Mommy & Daddy"

Friday, May 23, 2008

Our Home!

Well, for starters we purchased a new home on January 31, 2008. As most of you know, Greg likes to modify things a little bit, well, a BIG bit. We made it until March 29, 2008 before the work began...

Our house was overgrown with trees, shrubs, vines and a dreaded good 10 inches of leaves. I can't imagine what this house would have looked like in bloom.

So the work began, on March 29, I left to go somewhere, I can't exactly remember where but this is what I came home to...

I'm not sure exactly what I was expecting but not that big of a mess. My oh my, we were the talk of the neighborhood. Needless to say, the neighbors to the right hated us for a little while. They've sort of warmed up but are still a little leary of what Greg may still have up his sleeve...I'm still wondering too!

As the evening progressed, it started to look a little bit cleaner. The house looked like this at the end of the day. Mind you, where all the trees once were was a sloppy muddy mess. I think in the end Greg ended up taking out 25 trees.

As you can notice in the picture above, there is a ditch by the street. Greg had pipe layed to fill in the ditch and all the down spouts run into the ground.

By April 18, the house was looking like this. I still was not seeing an end in the near future but new the house was ten fold what is used to be. We still are not much liked by the neighbors at this point.

Finally, for me an end in sight, April 24, Motz Farms comes to lay sod. It's an amazing process. They layed 10,000 sq ft. in an hour and a half. It was impressive.

I have an instant lawn! What girl wouldn't be happy?

This is after the sod was completely layed...

May 10th brings some beautiful landscaping and a transformation to a once ugly and overgrown home. The landscaping to the right is not yet complete. We are working on completing that landscaping.


I've created this website so friends and family that don't get to see my family as much as they would like can keep up through pictures on what is going on in our lives. I hope everyone enjoys the page and I will keep up with it as much as I can!

The Kroell's