Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Caramel Apples

The end result of melting 50 caramels in a crockpot and cutting apple slices is, a little boy who only wants to eat apples and a little girl who only wants to dip her fingers in the caramel and lick it off!

So much for the phrase "Caramel Apples!"

Let's rephrase, "Tyler Apples" and "Caramel Natalie"

1 comment:

Heather D said...

OMG. They are so freakin' cute. Wanna come over for more caramel apples and maybe some wine for us??? BTW, my e-mail is delisle_h@yahoo.com. Let me know what is good for you. We are pretty easy. The whole 1-3 thing is bad, due to naps. Other than that, we are free, white and easy. How about Thursday afternoon. We can go to the park up the road if it isn't too cold. Aaron is working nights, so he won't be here. Maybe we could order pizza or make something easy. Lemme know. Just e-mail me. Your family is so stinkin' cute.